EOL/DMSMS Sustainment

Securing & Reinforcing hi-rel electronics supply chains

Semiconductor technology moves so fast that many devices reach their end of life (EOL) within a few years due to Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (DMS) or Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS), either because demand is falling or they have been replaced by improved devices with additional features and specifications. However, the new devices often are not pin-to-pin, spec-to-spec replacements for the EOL legacy devices, which makes it difficult for OEMs to continue to build and support legacy military and space products that rely on the EOL device.

Based on our extensive experience with this all-too-common scenario, we've developed an in-depth understanding of how to manage semiconductor obsolescence and mitigate the risks associated with EOL devices. Our design engineers will consult with you to determine which of our services best meets your needs.

Traditional program/product lifecycle

Micross DMS/Obsolescence Sustainment Solutions

Micross complete lifecycle security

Original Qualified Product

Utilizing original qualified parts eliminates the need for costly requalification or design changes

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Form-Fit-Function Recreation

Expertise in reverse engineering devices and manufacturing a form-fit-function equivalent

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Program Sustainment Management

Uninterrupted product supply through providing BOM monitoring, long term die & wafer storage

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